Background information

We are often asked about the financial side of becoming a member of QIVC. Here is how it works, in brief. We know that finances are often tight, and so we try to be flexible if possible while still meeting the needs of both members and the community as a whole.

How is membership in QIVC structured?

Full membership at QIVC includes renter membership and homeowner membership, which include capital investment and, in the latter case, home ownership in the community.

How they differ:

Renovation of East House, 2001

East House from the north

Our land is on a well-maintained gravel road, with very little traffic and a small number of other houses, just outside the hamlet of East Chatham in the township of Canaan, New York.  Located in Columbia County, we are 35 minutes from Albany and Hudson, minutes from the Berkshires of Massachusetts, and 2.5 hours from both Boston and New York City.  We are 10 minutes from our local Quaker Meeting in Old Chatham as well as the Powell House Conference Center of


1993-1995: "Community Building" discussion group at Wilton Montly Meeting in Connecticut

Dec. 1998: Spee and Jens Braun begin occasional visits to intentional communities around the US

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